Will receive ONE random sphere.
Size will vary ~ 0.82" - 1.00"
Quartz is a silicon dioxide crystal with a hardness of 7. Its crystal system is hexagonal (trigonal), and it is among the most abundant of minerals.
The Quartz family includes many stones in fact the silicon oxide molecule of Quartz is a part of the wide array of minerals designated as ‘silicates.’ Quartz crystals are found on every continent, and perhaps in every country on Earth.
Clear Quartz stones are thought of as colorless, candle-shaped hexagonal prismatic crystals with relatively smooth sides and naturally facetted terminations at one or both ends, although Quartz can occur in numerous other growing habits, including compact or concretionary masses and fibrous forms, as well as macrocrystalline Quartz, which is not prismatic. Quartz occurs in a wide range of environments and is an essential element in mica shists, gneisses, quartzite, granite, and consolidated sediments such as sandstone, conglomerates, etc.
Quartz is the principle constituent of man-made glass, as well as natural glasses such as Obsidian and Tektite. Quartz crystal exhibits the property of piezoelectricity, by which it can transform mechanical energy (e.g., pressure) into electromagnetic energy, and vice versa. This makes it useful in such as devices crystal radios, microphones, watches, radio transmitters, etc.