Will receive on random selected sphere.
Size may vary from 1.15"
Avg weight 124g / 0.273lbs / 4.37oz
Copper most commonly occurs in oxidised states and mixed with other elements it is found in its native form in various regions of the world. The largest deposits of Native Copper found in the world are in the North-western portion of the U.S. state of Michigan especially in the region known as the Keweenaw Peninsula nicknamed copper Country.
Copper is the metal of channeling energies. It has the ability to ground and transfer a wide vibrational frequencies from the spiritual to the physical.
Copper carries the energies of thoughts and emotions. It can help one become more aware of the unconscious inner dialog that often creates our emotional experience.
Copper is a versatile and useful metal for both metaphysical and physical healing purposes. It resonates with the Earth element.