363g / 0.800lbs / 12.80oz
3.20" x 3.61" x 1.47"
Septarian connects to the base and solar plexus chakras. The yellow Calcite within the Septarian cleanses the solar plexus chakra so that one is able to be positive with one’s thoughts and actions and to follow through with one’s ideas. Although the clay/ironstone “rock” portion allows for the grounding of ideas into the third dimension.
This fusion of the stone supports one through the “cycles” and changes that occur within one’s life, and helps one to be understood and to also understand the thoughts and ideas of others. It helps the “bringing together” of ideas, thoughts and feelings.
Septarian, especially the black form, has a protective energy and helps one to feel supported and protected from external influences.
Fun Facts: Septarian is a unique combination of rock, mineral, and organic matter. Often formed within layers of limestone sediment, the basic components include - Yellow Calcite, Brown Aragonite, Limestone and Barite.
Septarian concretions are formed during volcanic activity when mud and organic matter are trapped and pressurized, effectively turning the material to concrete. The organic material essentially consists of fossilized sea creatures that originate from the Cretaceous period 50 to 70 million years ago.
Septarian nodules can measure anywhere between an inch to a foot, the exterior is generally a form of Chalcedony or crystalline Silica.
The patterns are distinguished by cracks filled with Calcite, Aragonite and Limestone. Septarian originating from the Cretaceous period, required a specific blend of components and environmental conditions in order to form.
Sea levels were significantly higher and the Gulf of Mexico reached inland to Southern Utah, where in modern times many Septarian nodules are found. They are also found in Madagascar where conditions were similar.