826g / 1.821lbs / 29.14oz
3.35" / 85mm
Dumortierite (du·mor·ti·er·ite), a difficult name to pronounce so some call it by its informal name, Blue Quartz.
Dumortierite is an aluminum borate silicate mineral with a hardness of 7. Its crystal system is orthorhombic. Its usual growing habits are massive, radiating, fibrous and columnar. Sometimes it forms prismatic crystals. It occurs in pegmatites and other coarse-grained acid igneous rocks. Its colors include dark blue, violet blue and red brown. It was named after the French paleontologist Dumortier.
It is extremely calming, and helps release worries and confusion, help strengthen self-confidence, especially when approaching a new project or adventures.
It is an excellent stone for patience and calming difficult situations ~ tasks are less of a burden because simple solutions become more obvious, and the brain is no longer clogged with unnecessary thoughts or concerns, and we can trust that what we are doing is right.
The quartz amplifies its qualities. It leaves the user feeling they are standing tall and strong, with clear sense of purpose, and vision to move forward.